The Newly Born: Gazing and Human Development
We call them Hiawatha eyes—eyes that light the wigwam, the dimly lit bedroom of a farmhouse, the space under a tree, a hut or a...

Village Midwife Study Circle
The Village Midwife Study Circle has received much response both here in my own country and locally and globally. I am honored to serve...

Wild Wimyn on their Throne
It happened again! It was amazing and magnificent! A Quarter Century of wimyn gathering on the Holyland living instinctually, bonding a...

The Origin of Entitlement
Andrea, I know you are an inspiration to others as they embark on the kind of life changing, deep in the bones redefining of self that...

Womyn's Empowerment Award
2017 MorningStar Womyn's Empowerment Award Recipient: Savita 2017 MorningStar Wimyns Empowerment Award this year goes to an international...