MSC Blue Moon on Radiant Aging
Imbolc ~ February 2, 2019 The Holyland Aging is happening…and it’s happening to us! So we decided to tackle the subject. And we are...

Radiant Aging – for Wimyn
A group of powerful Goddess aware wimyn gathered before the 2019 Wild Womyn Spring Retreat on the Holyland to focus the Radiant Aging...

Dreams, Demons, and Desires: The Work of the Subconscious Mind and the Power of Inner Awareness
by Sister MorningStar, 2019 Editor’s note: This article first appeared in Midwifery Today, Issue 130, Summer 2019. Subscribe to...

Final day of the Trail of Tears
With our hearts turned homeward, we made it into Missouri where we found the living waters flowing, the glory of the setting sun and...

Trail of Tears Day 8
You will see here all I could find to make an altar on this section of the path...broken glass with the living stones on top. A symbol of...

Trail of Tears - Day 7
We sleep with the night sounds and stars over head and rise with the morning song birds. Each night we do the queens jewel and run our...

Trail of Tears - Day 6
Below you shall see our forward steps into Tennessee. The altars. The prayers. The veggie wraps. Sleeping on the earth. Eating on the...

Trail of Tears - day 5
The next two days have been emotional. I can barely write. The written history is soul disturbing. I meet living people along the way at...

Trail of Tears - Day 4
We rise early. It is cold and there is a light mist over the mother mountain. Two nights ago we were standing on Standing Indian...

Homebirth - the power of one.
Quietly, I crouched just inside the walk-in closet while the birth sounds rose and fell and the morning sunlight crept deeper into the...