Womyn's Empowerment Award

2017 MorningStar Womyn's Empowerment Award
Recipient: Savita
2017 MorningStar Wimyns Empowerment Award this year goes to an international recipient. Savita lives and has birthed two breech daughters in Hyderabad India. This year she birthed her second daughter at 43 weeks with spontaneous labor and bottom first in a climate where the cesarean rate is 80% in local hospitals and 100% for breech presentation. Savita birthed out of hospital with a brilliant and powerful midwife and supportive staff. Her courage was quiet, clear , focused and faithful. Her devotion and determination grew with each passing day of cultural pressure. I was privileged to witness her birth in power on 11 February 2017. As we sat together the day before her labor started she told me, “Sister, my child is a girl and she will be raised in India . She must be a strong womyn. How will she find her strength if she cannot even get herself born?” Savita, it is with great respect and honor that I award you my humble acknowledge as a womyn who birthed against the modern current and by your example is one who uplifts, encourages, inspires and empowers other wimyn. Shanti to you and your Holstein and your childrens children, unto the seventh generation of your people. Blessed Be. Blessed Do. Sister MorningStar
Savita's response: Hi Madam... We are very very happy and no words to reflect for all the love you and sister Morning Star are showing us ...We felt Mother of God's and angels were handling our births in the form Dr. Vijaya &, Sister Morning Star and staff ... Please accept our heartful gratitude... Also convey our tons and tons of Love to Sister Morning Star ... We feel like Universe had recognized us with this award